Friday, April 28, 2006


waaaaah!!! I'm really in a freakin bad mood right now!!! Aaaaaaarrrgh!!!!

It's like my opportunity to dance/perform......and he doesn't even let me??!! That's not nice....
It's like freakin summer!!! for cryin out loud!!?!?! RarrRrr tlga.... me.....Must....keep...on...trying......aaaarrrgh!!

Somebody help me convince my dad to let me dance this May30....pwetty pleeeease....
NO!! I will not fail!!! He's gonna let me dance or I'll die trying!! RarrRr!!!

Okei...I'm doing the happy dance....doing the happy dance......still doing the happy dance...

AND SHMILE ! ! ! ÜÜÜÜÜ....^_^

I mean I should be given the chance to perform, right??
I did do well in the exams
and I really love what I do...

I even have a sponsor (my grandpa...hehe) for my freakin costume and other stuff....

I'm even willing to commute all the way where I'm going.....

What more can I do???
There's another reason that I'm not sayiing here by the way.

Basta!!! RarrRr talaga!!

And db mas maganda habang wala pang pasok??? Right??

ngayon pa lang...excited nako!!! And di pa nga ako binibigyan ng permission e....hehe....

Let's hope for an APPROVED.....^_^

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