Saturday, June 09, 2012

REVIEW: Celeteque Facial Moisturizer

Hello, readers (if ever I have any left)! It's been a year of post-less existence for ekalibrium, and now I'm bringing it back (I'll try my best) to life!

*evil laugh*

I'm already in my last year of college (4th year: Part 2!! aka 5th year) -- busy with thesis and other stuff (yes, I'm still dancing professionally  ~whew!).

I would like to start my reblogging with a nice review about a product that changed my life (err..or face) BIG TIME!

I'm a late bloomer in using beauty products and I've just come to realize (why just now?!) the importance of using such products.

Let me start with my skin savior: the facial MOISTURIZER!!! :D

The Celeteque Facial Moisturizer has been a long-ignored product in my house. My mom used to put it on her face occasionally, and me, well, if I feel like it.

But only recently did I research about the benefits of using such moisturizers even for oily skin. (google it na lang) 

What I love about this is it's water-based. Perfect for people with oily skin! Plus, it's non-comedogenic meaning it would not clog your pores! (yay pores!) It's also hypoallergenic and fragrance-free. When you put it on your face, it doesn't feel sticky at all.

Using this consistently every morning and night got rid of all the bumps I had on my forehead, and just generally improved the texture of my skin. :)
(sorry for the icky before-after photo. haha)

Since I stocked up on this way before (Buy 1 Take 1 pa), I still have the old packaging. Celeteque has long changed their packaging because of the DermoScience thing, if ever you're wondering why you can't find the same bottle anymore.

Now I just use this twice a day, in the morning and before bed. In between I use a different moisturizer (still from Celeteque), but that would be another post. :D

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