Sunday, October 15, 2006

Some other stuff...

[currently listenin to: Irene Cara]

to Gundy:

wtf??!!! is wrong with curly-haired people?!!!!!?!??!?!
I get the impression that curly-haired people are not pretty in your recent post!!!!

not. nice....

anyhoo....watzsup with the hair anyway........


my gulaaaay...

did I mention that last Friday...I left school at 7pm....and while I was waiting for my sundo....
there were 3 (or 4) very professional photographers named Ryan, Lester, Joven (and Jan Lloyd)

walang kasing ganun sa bundok so they played with my baby...

handling of my baby by other people is alright as long as they treat it as a baby...

but my gahd....that wasn't treatment fit for a baby....those boys almost gave me a heart attack......well...anyhoo...

if you wanna see their ///insert sarcasm here\\\ exceptional photography.....look for their album in my multiply....



Anonymous said...

I'm not implying that curly-haired people are not pretty... Bakit ko naman sa2bihin un, eh ung mom and ate ko have curly hair and they're very pretty...

Sa mga self esteem booster articles kasi, they're SAYING, not implying, that straight-haired girls suck! Which is so totally WRONG!

Yung mga dapat tamaan naman sa post na yon ay ung mga writers ng self esteem booster articles...

Anyway, kung na-offend kita (or anyone else na na-offend ko sa post na yun)sooorrrryy.... From the bottom of my heart...

"Your avid fan" (nagta2mpo ka ksi eh, pagbi2gyan kta...)

eKa said...

hehe....yaaaaaan ipaliwanag mo lng....
make it clear for all the other avid fans around the world...
(wooohooO!!! if there are any.....)


ala lng..I was so not serious naman e...
anyhoo...not sumthin to go nutz about...


i luuuuv yooou gundyyy!!!....XD