Wednesday, May 24, 2006

wOw to the costumes!!

woohoo!! We had our pictorial last Monday....May22...
This is my first time to perform on pointes so.....everything's costume anyway..

The costume for the Do-Re-Mi was the ones used in the last performance....the ones used in the Praise Concert.....I just borrowed Ate Em's costume so I get to dance too...

Our group gets the green ones.....okei enough about that...

The costumes we're dancing in for the "Arrivez au Pointe" is really pretty.....
It's not finished yet so there's much more to see...

I can't describe them by word (cause I don't really know how to describe that's why) so I'm just gonna show pictures...

***If I look really freaky that day.....make-up courtesy of my mom...hehe....jowking only!!
o goes...

Pics courtesy of Bea Obcena....

Mind you (pipol of MakSci na trip mangasar) pointe shoes are there......kanina pa ksi tpos yng shoot nmin so tinanggal na namin (duh!).......ayun yung pointes shoes ko....over there...

I know how your (some pipol from MakSci) minds work so......ala kayong masasabi.....



sori......just drank a tall glass of mango shake in one gulp brain's still kinda frozen....

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